New Brokers

At abclendingco Capital, we take pride in being a reliable source of capital for real estate investors and their advisors.

As a dynamic and forward-thinking lending firm, we understand the critical role that brokers play in connecting clients with the right financial solutions. Partner with Stormfield Capital and join a network of brokers who share our values of trust, transparency, and excellence.

Why Partner with Abclendingcol?

With years of experience in the industry, we have honed our expertise in short-term investment property lending. Our team of seasoned professionals possesses a deep understanding of market trends, property values, and investment strategies, enabling us to offer tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of each client.

Trust is the cornerstone of our relationships. We value the trust you place in us when referring your clients, and we are committed to maintaining open and transparent communication at every step of the lending process. Our aim is to create a collaborative environment where you and your clients feel informed and confident in the decisions you make.

Time is of the essence in the world of real estate investing. That’s why we prioritize quick and clear communication. Our streamlined processes and dedicated support ensure that you receive timely updates and information, enabling you to make informed recommendations to your clients.

At Abclendingco, we recognize that each investment property transaction is unique. Our flexible lending approach allows us to create customized solutions that align with your clients’ specific investment strategies. Whether it’s a fix-and-flip project, a rental property acquisition, or a short-term bridge loan, we have the tools to make it happen.

Our ultimate goal is to contribute to the success of both you and your clients. By partnering with Stormfield Capital, you gain access to a network of resources and support that can help you grow your business and exceed your clients’ expectations.

How to Get Started




Reach Out

Contact any of the members of our investment team to initiate a partnership discussion. We’re here to answer your questions, provide insights, and guide you through the onboarding process.

Submit Referrals

Once onboarded, refer your clients to us with confidence. We work diligently to assess their needs, offer competitive loan terms, and deliver a seamless lending experience.

Submit Referrals

Once onboarded, refer your clients to us with confidence. We work diligently to assess their needs, offer competitive loan terms, and deliver a seamless lending experience.